Best Olive Oil Country in The World

In our article Best olive oil country in the world, we will give information about the distribution and characteristics of olive oil production in the world. Because, It is an important issue for companies engages in olive oil trade. Meanwhile, You can also contact us to buy olive oil and to get information about olive oil. Our company, which is professional in olive oil export, will offer you the most suitable solutions. If you’re ready, we can start.

What is best olive oil?

The best olive oil country is different for everyone. The biggest reason for this is that consumption habits are directly related to culture and geography. For example, olive oil obtained from olives grown in İzmir is quite good for people living in İzmir and its surrounding region. But, the same olive oil may not be good for people living in Trabzon.

For this reason, filtering the concept of the best olive oil according to some values ​​will lead us to healthier results. The quality of olive oil determination is in according to the results we obtain. Thus, the amount of oleic acid in every 100 grams evaluates in terms of taste, smell and color.

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Spain Olive Oil

In terms of olive oil production, Spain is the country that produces the most olive oil in the world. It has become the world’s top olive oil producing country with its olive oil production of 1,6000,000 tons. Almost half of the olive oil production in the world is produced in this country. Although it is in the first place in production, it is also in the fourth place in olive oil imports. Due to the brand awareness it creates, it also buys olive oil from different countries.

Italy Olive Oil

One of the important countries producing olive oil in the world is Italy. Italy, which produces 265,000 tons of olive oil, ranked second in the world with world olive oil production. It ranks first in the world in olive oil imports. In recent years, the yield has decreased due to extreme weather events. Despite this, it has an important place in the world in olive oil production. 23% of the world olive oil production is in Italy.

Greece Olive Oil

Greece ranks third in olive oil production. It meets 15% of the olive oil production worldwide. Hundreds of liters of olive oil are consumed in Greek cuisines. Olive oil exporters are in the 5th place in the world in the world ranking. According to the latest data, it produced 225,000 tons of olive oil.

Tunisia Olive Oil

Tunisian olive oil has an important place in the world. Tunisia comes after Greece. It ranks 4th in world olive oil production. Tunisia is the 4th in the world in olive oil exports. 70% of olive oil exports are made to Italy and the USA. It is an olive oil that is liked by those who use it with its taste reminiscent of butter and its light and soft texture.

Turkish Olive Oil

Turkey ranks 5th in the world in olive oil production. By increasing olive groves day by day, it has a more important place in the world in terms of olives and olive oil. Turkish olive oil is a very high quality olive oil. It is the 6th in the world in olive oil export. Despite being an olive oil producing country, olive oil consumption is also quite high. It is the 4th in the world in terms of world olive oil consumption.

Best olive oil country Turkey!

Olive Oil Manufacturer produces olive oil under the brand Taha Kervan. If you want to buy olive oil, please contact us. Apart from this, you can follow our social media accounts  ( facebook – instagram – pinterest – google ), to have information about our company and to be informed about the developments.

Morocco Olive Oil

Morocco has an important place in olive oil production. According to the latest data, it produced 200,000 tons of olive oil. It ranks 6th in world olive oil production. It ranks 8th in olive oil exports. Morocco has always been a country of olives and olive oil. For this reason, olive oil consumption in the country is also quite high.

How to Produce the Best Olive Oil?

There are certain requirements for the production of quality olive oil. At the beginning of this, healthy and proper olives must be harvested at the right time and in the right way. Afterwards, send the olives to the squeezing unit without waiting. Olives should be squeezed as soon as possible after being picked. If you keep the olives for a long time, the acid ratio increases and the quality decreases. For this reason, it is very important to tighten it without waiting.

Olives should be taken into boxes of 20-15 kilograms before pressing. It should be noted that these crates are perforated and plastic. In addition, the quality of olive oil, the characteristics of the region where the olive is grown, climatic conditions, whether or not spraying is done, fertilization, irrigation, harvesting method, harvest time and the technology used in the squeezing processes affect the quality of the oil.

How to Know the Best Olive Oil?

Olive oil is a very valuable product. For this reason, unfortunately, some actions of people mislead customers. For this reason, olive oil ceases to be a healthy and delicious product, as it should be, and becomes unhealthy. It is possible to understand what good olive oil is like with some traditional methods.


It reminds the taste and aroma of that fruit with a unique feature in most vegetables and fruits. Olive taste and aroma should be felt in a good olive oil.


Good olive oil also contains that bitterness of olive fruit. This bitterness is a bitterness that people like. Sometimes the bitterness of black pepper is likened to the bitterness of almonds. This shows that phenolic components are transferred to olive oil after a healthy pressing process.


Another positive feature that should find in olive oil is mild bitterness. This is an indication that the phenolic components in olives transferred to olive oil. Futhermore, When you taste olive oil, it leaves a slight bitterness in the nose and throat.

olive-oil-producer-benefits-olive-oil, healt-olive-oil, Benefits of Olive Oil

What is the payoff from buying the best olive oil?

Olive oil is a very healthy product. According to researches, it has been determined that it is beneficial for human health in many ways. For this reason, its feature of being a product has demand all over the world is increasing day by day. The increasing demand for olive oil is of course for quality olive oil. Let’s examine the benefits of trading quality olive oil.


Trading in olive oil brings with it many responsibilities. This product, which we buy and sell, used by all family members. For this reason, make sure that you buy a real olive oil that has a production according to food hygiene rules.


Continuity in trade is an important element. If the product you sell is of good quality and affordable, you can constantly find customers. This will cause you to constantly earn money.


Selling quality olive oil will also increase the trust in you and your company. You will appreciate that it is very important to gain the trust of your customers.


Customers with high satisfaction rates are loyal customers. For this reason, by selling quality olive oil, your number of loyal customers will increase day by day.

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Best Olive Oil Country in the World FAQs

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